Best Practices and Resources for School Campaigns

Best Practices and Resources for School Campaigns

Sharing best practices helps schools learn from each other, save time, and find effective solutions. It inspires new ideas, improves teaching, and creates stronger programs for students and communities, promoting positive change locally and beyond.


Eco-Schools Program: A structured program guiding schools through a 7-step process to address sustainability issues like waste, energy, water, and biodiversity. Offers the Green Flag Award for schools meeting sustainability goals. Resources: Eco-Schools Global provides guides, case studies, and toolkits (

Solar Buddy Program: Students assemble solar lights for children in energy-deprived areas, learning about renewable energy and global inequality. Resources: Solar Buddy offers education kits, videos, and instructions for participation (

Green Flag Program in Scotland: Schools earn the Green Flag by completing sustainability projects in energy efficiency, waste reduction, and biodiversity. Resources: Resources and guidelines are available on the Eco-Schools Scotland website.

Energy-Efficient Schools in Germany: Conduct student-led energy audits and implement energy-saving measures like installing LED lighting or renewable energy sources. Resources: Energy Efficiency Education Resources offers guides and case studies for energy-saving initiatives (

Zero-Waste Schools in Italy: Schools implement composting, upcycling, and recycling workshops to achieve zero waste. Resources: Download zero-waste guidelines and activity templates from Zero Waste Europe (

Absolutely! Sharing best practices is a cornerstone of collaborative progress in education. Here’s how schools can harness the power of sharing to inspire innovation, enhance teaching quality, and foster stronger connections both locally and globally

Cu ce provocări se pot confrunta școlile în ceea ce privește campaniile ecologice? Ce crezi despre acest subiect?

Absolutely! Sharing best practices among schools creates a collaborative environment where educators and administrators can leverage proven strategies to enhance learning experiences and improve operational efficiency.

WWF Earth Hour Schools Program: Free resources for teaching students about energy conservation and climate change. WWF Earth Hour Resources (

Păi în primul rând ca provocare ar putea fi lipsa resurselor financiare deoarece campaniile ecologice necesită adesea bugete pentru materiale, activități, sau infrastructură, cum ar fi coșuri pentru reciclare sau panouri educaționale. Multe școli se confruntă cu constrângeri financiare care limitează inițiativele de acest tip.

Mai mult, cred că unele școli pot întâmpina reticență din partea comunității școlare, inclusiv părinți sau profesori, care nu percep imediat beneficiile adoptării unor practici ecologice.

Collaboration among schools is always a good idea, especially when dealing with environmental issues!

Multumesc pentru inpartasirea acestor resurse! Este important sa vedem actiuni clare si concrete la nivel EU!

Teach the Future (UK): Curriculum materials to teach climate change and sustainability topics. Teach the Future:

Foarte interesante modelele de mai sus! Voi lua in considerare si voi incerca sa aplic si eu la clasa cateva idei! In activitatea mea de facilitator, orice idee este bine-venita si apreciata!

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